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2024 SFI Voting Ambassador Program

Despite record-high voter turnout in the 2020 election, only 47% of our military community voted (that’s 27% lower than our civilian counterparts!*). At Secure Families Initiative, we are working to close the voting turnout gap in 2024, and we need your help!

YOU are the best person to make sure our community is registered and ready to vote! As a 2024 Voting Ambassador, you will be part of a fun and energized team volunteering together to close the military-civilian voter turnout gap during this pivotal election year

Watch: Military Families for a Strong Democracy

We launched the 2024 Voting Ambassador program with a discussion about why it’s important for members of our community to be voters and how we can mobilize military-connected voters this election year. Watch to get inspired:

Ready to Join Us?

All it takes is a minimum of 2 hours of your time every month, the interest to meet new people, and a belief in a strong and accessible democracy for all!

SFI Voting Ambassadors are members of the military family community who volunteer their time to register voters in their personal network, share ways to overcome the voting challenges specific to our community (like voting absentee and overseas), and encourage decision makers to make it easier for our votes to count. SFI is a non-partisan organization and does not affiliate with candidates or political parties. 

Interested? Sign up through the form below. A member of our team will be in contact with you to learn more.

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