
Join SFI

Become a Member

What does membership mean? To put it simply: it means you support our mission and want to stay connected.

We are a nonpartisan multi-racial, multi-generational community of proud military partners, parents, kids and loved ones, united by our love of country and commitment to service. We understand better than anyone the consequences that decisions over war and peace have here on the homefront.

We want you on our team! Whatever led you to our community, we are happy you are here!

As a member, you will have access to:

  • Our weekly newsletter highlighting major news, shoutouts of our members in the press, and upcoming advocacy opportunities on important legislation.
  • Invitation to monthly member calls where you will hear important policy updates that directly impact our families, discuss issues most important to you, hear from decision makers and special guests, and learn ways to take action. 
  • Volunteer and advocacy opportunities; we invite members throughout the year to get involved in our campaign work, and deepen their knowledge of critical issues to take more powerful action. 

Membership FAQ

  • Everyone! 
  • Military Partner / Spouse: Join our community to connect with other like-minded spouses and train to be advocates.
  • Military Family: If you’re a parent, sibling, or child of a service member, you also have a powerful story to share. Join us to add your voice to the movement.
  • Service Member or Veteran: No matter which branch you’ve served in, or what form your service took, we welcome your participation and support.
  • Nonmilitary Supporter: You don’t have to be part of the military to support our work. Join us to learn more about how you can be an ally to our community.

No! Membership is free. We are grateful to everyone who shares our vision for de-militarized domestic and foreign policy.

Whether you have your Members of Congress on speed dial or are planning to vote for the very first time, we have advocacy opportunities for you. We always explain what we’re asking you to do and why it matters, and provide step-by-step instructions. We know you’re busy so when we ask you to do something, it’s because it is timely and important to our community.

Yes. But, we strongly encourage you to register to vote and use your voice at the ballot box, in addition to direct advocacy. We know it can be confusing to register to vote, but we make it easier with our guide. So, go ahead, register today.