Congress passed the 2002 Iraq War AUMF to authorize military force against Saddam Hussein’s regime.
The Iraq War is long over and Saddam Hussein is dead.
Repealing this outdated and dangerous war authorization has widespread, bipartisan support.
Military families like ours urge Congressional leadership to keep their promise
and hold a floor vote to repeal the 2002 AUMF before the end of this term.
“The 2002 AUMF Repeal is important to me, especially as my family prepares to move to the Middle East, where we will join tens of thousands of other US personnel and their families who live in the region. When the outdated 2002 AUMF is used today to justify strikes in the region against enemies or threats that didn’t exist in 2002, families like mine are at risk of getting caught in the crossfire. As a military spouse, I expect that decisions on the use of military force be given the due diligence and oversight by Congress that they deserve in order to keep our loved ones safe.“
Janessa, Air Force Spouse
Washington, DC

“I am a military spouse whose husband is currently serving his 23nd year of his military career. When my loved one is called upon to demonstrate the furthest bounds of his service, my family deserves to be confident in the necessity and justness of that decision. This means debate in Congress, as the Constitution intended. Military families like mine deserve a repeal of the Iraq 2002 War Authorization.“
Rebecca, Air Force Spouse
New York
“Military families like mine are asking for a repeal of the Iraq 2002 War Authorization. I’m the military spouse of an active-duty service member who grew up in Kentucky. After my husband served two tours in Iraq, our family bears the cost of war daily and always will. It is because of our lived experience that I ask for Congressional oversight to be considered, as the Constitution designed, before we are asked to place our loved ones in harm’s way.“
Brandi, Marine Corps Spouse

“The repeal of AUMF is of utmost importance to myself, and my family. After my husband was shot and wounded during the Global War on Terror our family experienced the undeniable and costly effects of war. Because of this, I am urging you to give Congress the oversight and diligence, which in turn will help protect thousands of service members and their families.”
Lindsey, Army Spouse
North Carolina
“The greatest sacrifice one can make for our country is to give their life. This sacrifice also falls on the shoulders of the families of service members who die in the line of duty or veterans who die of an injury or illness due to their service. According to our constitution, Congress should be the only body with the power to engage this country in war. I ask that the 2002 Iraq AUMF be repealed.”
Gabby, Surviving Navy Spouse

War and conflict directly impact military families like ours in a way that the majority of the public is isolated from.
The 2002 AUMF is outdated and irrelevant; however, it is not harmless.
On the contrary, leaving this law on the books puts current and future military families at risk
of a President taking reckless, unilateral military action.