Early in the 2022 primary election cycle, the Military Vote Coalition hosted a Q&A with the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) to answer military voters’ most common and pressing questions about registering to vote and casting their ballots.
Key Takeaways
Biggest Confusion from Military Voters
The most common question and source of confusion that FVAP encounters from military voters has to do with where to register to vote. What is the voting residence for a military voter? FVAP recommends voters register using the last legal and physical address where that person established “residency.” For active duty folks, voting residence is usually the same as on the LES (Leave and Earning Statement).
How to Update Voter Registration after a Move
One easy step: Use the FPCA! If you’re going to be voting somewhere other than where you’re currently living due to military orders, then the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) is for you. This form is a “one-stop shop”: you can register to vote, request an absentee ballot AND update your voting residence.
Be #VoterReady
FVAP’s biggest advice: Register and prepare to vote as early as possible! The sooner you are “voter ready,” the more time you have to ensure your ballot is counted. When possible, opt to receive and return election materials electronically to eliminate potential mail delays.
Military Voting Q&A
There is SO much information packed into this video that we recommend watching the whole thing to make sure you don’t miss any voting information. Here you go:
5 Things from FVAP
FVAP.gov is a wonderful resource for military and overseas voters. Here are five new or especially important resources this election year:
- Directory: If you’re wondering where to email or fax your voting materials, you can find it in this directory of every election office in the United States.
- Translate Feature: If you prefer to read voting information in a language other than English, select “translate” for a variety of other language options.
- State-by-State Voting Assistance Guide: Select the state where you vote, and FVAP’s voting assistance guide has information about upcoming election deadlines and dates, as well as state-specific contact information. It also links to your Secretary of State portal to determine the status of your ballot.
- Calendar Alerts: Download and sync notifications for your state elections on your mobile or desktop device. You’ll receive notifications when it’s time to vote, return your ballot, and other deadlines.
- Direct Assistance: Call or email FVAP to connect with a live human being who can provide personal assistance and set you up for voting success.
Military Teen Voters
At the end of the Q&A, National Military Family Association (NMFA) and SFI announced a new partnership aimed at empowering and registering military teen voters. MilitaryTeenVoter.com is a resource geared toward young and first-time military voters. The website provides 4 easy steps to make your voice heard at the ballot box.
As always, we are here to help! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us by email with any voting-related questions.