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SFI Joins Letter in Support of Michigan Voting Bill

Michigan absentee ballot

This week Secure Families Initiative joined a group of military organizations on a memo in support of voting legislation in Michigan. House Bill 4210 and Senate Bill 177 will expand existing electronic ballot return to include spouses.

Yes, This Will Fix the “Not in Foxholes” Bill

Last year, SFI fought for electronic ballot legislation to include military spouses. You may remember one Michigan Senator’s inflammatory comments that spouses didn’t deserve this voting option because we’re “not in foxholes.” It was infuriating to be intentionally excluded, so we are relieved the legislature is voting on a bill to expand the right to spouses.

The Joint Memo states, “Last year, the Michigan Legislature passed the Uniformed Service Member Absentee Ballot Act, which extended electronic ballot return to eligible servicemembers. While we commend the Michigan Legislature for attempting to ease the voting process for service members, we were alarmed that this legislation omitted spouses and eligible dependents. According to the DoD, 50% of active duty service members are married and 92% of active duty spouses are women. Omitting spouses from this legislation disproportionately cuts women out of the local electoral process.”

Joint Memo in Support

The Memo concludes, “It is time for Michigan to join its neighbors and remove unnecessary obstacles to voting for military families. We urge you to support legislation to allow electronic ballot return to help members of the military community more easily participate in the very democracy we are committed to protect.”

Click to read the Joint Memo in Support of  House Bill 4210 and Senate Bill 177.

Michigan Voter? Take Action with Us!

Are you a Michigan voter? Call your Rep today and ask then to support HB4210. Find your Representative and their office number.

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