On April 14, President Biden announced that U.S. troops would withdraw from Afghanistan by September. Join us in sending the White House a letter of support for bringing our troops home.
The two-decades-long conflict in Afghanistan has been devastating for many U.S. military service members and their families, who have suffered tremendous separation and loss. But the pundits are trying to bully President Biden into reversing course and keeping our troops there indefinitely. This would be catastrophic.
Now is the best chance in 20 years to end this endless war and reunite families. Now is the time to show your support. Sign our letter to President Biden:
Text of the Letter
To: President Biden
We, the undersigned military supporters, are writing in support of President Biden’s decision to end America’s longest war and bring our troops home from Afghanistan.
The two-decades-long conflict in Afghanistan has been devastating for U.S. military families. 2,448 U.S. troops and personnel have died, and 20,722 have been wounded in Afghanistan conflicts. Additionally, tens of thousands of service and family members have been forever impacted by the stress, uncertainty, and anxiety that come from operating at wartime tempo for so long. This community has lived and died through the perpetual consequences of this war.
Some armchair pundits who push back against this decision and casually dismiss the realities of this war. It is easy to argue for maintaining a “small number of troops” in Afghanistan when it’s not your loved one serving abroad. It’s simple to assert that having our troops home is of minimal gain when you’ve never waved goodbye to someone going to war.
To them, we say: This isn’t “the easy way out.” It’s the ONLY way to keep our service members safe from unnecessary bloodshed. We support bringing our troops home.