Your calendar is already overloaded and overwhelming. It’s nearly impossible to remember voter dates – trust us, we know! That’s why we’re excited to share this awesome deadline reminder tool so you never miss a voting date again.
Fill out the short form below with your voter registration address and you’ll receive personalized texts and emails to remind you of federal, state, local and special elections—including registration deadlines, early voting dates, and Election Day. These reminders are highly effective in turning a registered voter into an actual voter. And we need you to vote!
Not sure which address is your registration address? We have a step by step guide to registering to vote while military. It provides some guidance about which state to register in. Bottom line: we usually recommend your state of legal residence, but review our guide and make the best decision for you.
More voting resources:
- Registering to Vote While Military – we walk you through where to register when you move every couple years.
- Federal Post Card Application – if you are connected to the military and voting in a place you do not live, use this easy, time-saving form. It is voter registration and absentee ballot request all in one!
- Ballot Information – registered and ready to vote but not sure exactly who or what are on your ballot? BallotReady has every down-ballot candidate and referendum so you can know before you vote.
- Find Your Polling Place – if you vote where you live, this tool will tell you where to go on Election Day.