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Tell Michigan: Help Military Spouses Vote Too!

Tell Michigan Let Military Spouses Vote Too

Spouses stationed overseas face the same barriers to absentee voting as their service members do — sometimes, even more!

Michigan’s statehouse is considering a bill that would allow overseas service members to submit their absentee ballots online. We support this bill, and we want it amended to include military spouses and of-age children.

Thirty-one other states already allow overseas military to vote online. If the bill passes as is, Michigan will be the only state that excludes spouses and dependents from this system.

Join us in petitioning 3 important members of the Michigan State Legislature to amend this bill before it goes for vote before the entire House:

  • This bill’s sponsor, Senator Ruth Johnson
  • The House Elections & Ethics Committee chairwoman, Representative Julie Calley
  • Michigan House Leadership, Speaker Lee Chatfield

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