
The SFI Blog

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What Military Families Need to Know About a Government Shutdown

If Congress does not pass a budget by Saturday, September 30, the government will shut down on October 1. While we anxiously watch Capitol Hill for progress, we aim to provide the most up-to-date information that military families need to know about a shutdown.

In the meantime, our lawmakers need to hear from us – now! Use the tool below to send a letter to your members of Congress. And swipe through How a Government Shutdown Impacts Military Families for instructions to call your representatives.

How a Government Shutdown Impacts Military Families

The most important, and unfortunate, thing military families need to know is that as of right now service members will work but will not get paid. The first missed paycheck will be October 15, unless Congress passes a budget, “stop-gap” temporary funding, or a bill specifically guaranteeing military pay.

From pay to child care to schools and more, swipe to see just some of the many ways military families will be impacted if the government shuts down this weekend. The last slide include a call script and information to call your members of Congress to share these impacts.

Take Action Now: Send a Letter to Your Members of Congress

Decision makers in Washington, DC need to hear from us right now. Here’s what you can do today: send a letter to your members of Congress. 

Enter your address below, click “Start Writing” and you will be directed to an auto-populated email addressed to your Representative and both Senators. Edit and add your personal story to the existing email template. The more personal and custom the email, the more effective.

Updates and Resources for Military Families

Make sure you’re following us on social media because we will continue to share important updates. We will also continue to update this post with shutdown resources for military families.

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