As military families, our values of duty and respect for authority are some of our strengths. We accept the mission and follow the orders, wherever they may take us.
When our leaders make decisions about when to use military force, the idea of weighing in on those deliberations might sound uncomfortable to some. After all, doesn’t that go against the military’s ethos of service and obedience?
On the contrary: Telling our stories is one of the most patriotic ways we as spouses and family members can support our service members.

Our nation’s leaders rely on having the most complete and accurate information at their disposal to make the best decisions possible. It is our responsibility to apprise them of the ways that high-level foreign policy decisions trickle down to impact us back home. Our contributions help them see the big picture.
Military families are constituents too. We deserve to have our interests represented by our elected officials, just as any voter does.
At SFI, we believe that our country should and does have a strong military. But we also believe that the armed forces should not be the only arrow our country has in its foreign policy quiver. We also need a robust corps of diplomats to pave the way for positive international relations whenever possible — and in doing so, shield our armed forces from unnecessary danger.
You can help shape the kind of world you want for your family. And you’re not alone — we’re here to walk you through each step of the way.
There are 4 major components to getting more involved in advocacy: