Military families are directly impacted by our country’s decisions over war and peace. For us, the “Use of Military Force” is not an abstract concept; it’s a somber reality.

Right now, there’s a lot of buzz around Capitol Hill about whether our country should change the way it decides to go to war. This is an important moment for our community to raise our voices and weigh in on these discussions.
The decision over whether to put troops into harm’s way should be maximally deliberative and transparent. If our loved ones are going to be called upon to demonstrate the furthest bounds of their service, we deserve to be confident in the necessity and justness of that decision.
Yet too often, decisions to commit troops abroad have been made by Presidents of both parties without Congressional oversight. This system is reckless and does not give the American people enough of a say.
That is why the Secure Families Initiative joins the voices of our many partner organizations in calling to bring War Powers back to Congress.
Help us tell Members of Congress why this issue is so important by sharing your story. Write a letter about how you felt when your loved was called on to go overseas, or how long and frequent deployments have affected your family. Our lived experiences help paint a fuller picture of what “going to war” really looks like at home.
Want to learn more about War Powers and AUMFs? Check out our overview here.