Today, a bipartisan group of national lawmakers introduced a bill “To repeal the authorizations for use of military force against Iraq.”
Secure Families Initiative enthusiastically supports this legislation. Repealing outdated and dangerous war authorizations has widespread, bipartisan support because it makes sense to veterans, active duty service members and their families.

“This legislation represents a huge boost for military families, both past and present. For veterans of the Iraq War, repealing this war authorization affirms what we already know: that their mission is complete. And for actively-serving families like my own, this bill safeguards our future by protecting our loved ones from reckless presidential overreach,“ said Sarah Streyder, Executive Director of Secure Families Initiative.
Streyder continued: “Our country’s institutions are strong enough to protect us from future threats. We do not need an outdated, obsolete law to keep us safe. If anything, Congress’s delay in reclaiming its role in declaring war is both negligent and a sign of weakness. We commend the bipartisan support this common sense solution has in both the House and Senate.”
Secure Families Initiative has been organizing the military family community to advocate for repeal of outdated and dangerous war authorizations, to include a Leadership Team of military spouses who speak to our community and decision-makers. Leadership Team member and Air Force spouse Janessa Schilmoeller explained the urgency of this work. “2002 AUMF Repeal is important to me, especially as my family prepares to move to the Middle East, where we will join tens of thousands of other US personnel and their families who live in the region. When the outdated 2002 AUMF is used today to justify strikes in the region against enemies or threats that didn’t exist in 2002, families like mine are at risk of getting caught in the crossfire. As a military spouse, I expect that decisions on the use of military force be given the due diligence and oversight by Congress that they deserve in order to keep our loved ones safe.“
Military family members and loved ones urge bipartisan lawmakers in Congress to support this important legislation.

Take Action
Join us in showing your support for this important legislation! Our AUMF Repeal Toolkit has social media photos and samples, phone call text and information to help our community understand the urgency of this legislation.