We are delighted to introduce the newest member of the Secure Families Initiative team: Brandi Jones is our Organizing Director! Brandi is tasked with growing our membership, increasing advocacy participation, and expanding our presence across military and civilian communities.

“I couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome Brandi to our growing SFI team,” said Executive Director Sarah Streyder. “She is passionate and knowledgeable, and has an impressive knack for building relationships with other military families. I look forward to our members getting to know her better this year and beyond!”
Meet Brandi Jones
There is no better time to get to Brandi! Read this short Q & A and you’ll quickly see why we are so excited for her to join the team.
- Tell us about yourself and your connection to the military.
I’m the proud wife of a United States Mustang Marine who is a decorated combat veteran serving over two decades.
My stepdad was a Marine. My grandfather Corporal Fred B. McGee was a Korean War Hero, having been inducted into the Ohio Hall of Fame as well as the Purple Heart Hall of Fame after serving in the first Desegregated Army unit in 1953 on Heartbreak Ridge. During that tour he earned two Purple Hearts and a Silver Star. My great grandfather Henry Dorton was a Black Revolutionary War veteran, born enslaved in Maryland, he went on to become a quintessential West Virginian!
- What has been your favorite duty station and why?
My favorite duty station has been Monterey, CA because of the amazing educational opportunities the area has afforded our children as well as the amazing civilian community outside the gates and beautiful scenery! I was also honored to be selected as the first Black president in the 60 year history of the Monterey Military Spouse Club. It was amazing working with the awesome spouses from every branch! During my term we helped the environment by having quarterly beach clean up days, we supported local businesses by holding events. One event that was very special was creating the first Juneteenth celebration. As an organization we also helped by hosting a backpack drive for a local nonprofit in support of local majority Hispanic male youth. I enjoyed working in the Monterey community as a Transition Kindergarten teacher as well as a small business owner.
- If you could wave a magic wand and improve something for military families, what would it be?
Choice. The ability to have more choice when it comes to their duty station, how often they move, where their children attend school. The ability to make choices that were best for their family unit when possible.
- What is something you wish you’d known as a new, young military spouse?
As a young spouse I wish I knew it was ok to share more about your personal experiences as a military family.
- You are stepping into a brand new role at Secure Families Initiative. What are you hoping to accomplish as Organizing Director?
Yes! It is a role I couldn’t be more excited about! I hope to bring military spouses, military family members, veterans, and non-military civilian supporters to SFI in support of advocating on behalf of those who serve!
- Why is the SFI mission important to you?
SFI’s mission to elevate military spouses and family members as uniquely qualified advocates and organizers on matters of foreign policy is very important to me. Advocacy is an issue near and dear to me as a person who represents so many underserved communities. I’m a first generation college graduate as well as a Black woman, Black mother, Black military spouse (officer as well as enlisted). I’m the daughter of a coal miner, and know that where I am today has a lot to do with advocacy. Those who came before me, endured so much, and their strength and determination to advocate for change is a legacy that I would like to carry on for this generation as well as the next.
With Brandi on the team, we are confident 2022 is going to be a big year for Secure Families Initiative! Stay tuned and stay engaged with us.