SFI Strongly Supports Legislation to Repeal Iraq War AUMF Introduced in 118th Congress
Today, a bipartisan group of national lawmakers introduced a bill “To repeal the authorizations for use of military force against Iraq.”
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Today, a bipartisan group of national lawmakers introduced a bill “To repeal the authorizations for use of military force against Iraq.”
Right now, we have a rare window of opportunity to pass a law that would immediately make all our military families safer. H.R. 256 is a bill
By: Janessa Schilmoeller. 2020 has been filled with unexpected challenges, and the recent election cycle was no different. This election was especially difficult for members
Military families are directly impacted by our country’s decisions over war and peace. For us, the “Use of Military Force” is not an abstract concept;
There’s a buzz around Capitol Hill right now about whether our country should change the way it decides to go to war. Given the relevance
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